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Attempted Suicide by Train

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Suicide by train
Photo By shaunl

Kristin was just 17 when she attempted to take her own life. Her parents had grounded her so she snuck out of the house to visit a friend. Instead of going back home, she made a quick decision that would impact her life forever.

She thought suicide by train was the her only option, so she jumped. It only took a second to jump in front of the train, but that short second inflicted a severe amount of pain that would cause long-lasting impacts.

She felt a heavy pressure like a weight that was pushing her down as the train was running on top of her. She was awake for the whole thing.

33 freight train cars later she was able to lift her head up and look around. She saw something that seemed very unreal to her.

She had just gotten a new pair of white tennis shoes for Christmas. About 10 feet away from her was her legs with those bright, white tennis shoes still attached.

Although it seemed like a terrible nightmare, it was very real. Kristin was just run over by a train and had her legs cut off.

Kristin miraculously survived her suicide attempt. She was angry that she lived, but happy at the same time.

She felt pretty miserable afterwards. She had to spend three months in the hospital with many surgeries. The doctors had tried to save her legs, but the damage was too great. She was told she would have to be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

Kristin started to cry out to God for the first time in her life. She wanted to know why God had allowed her to live.

Shortly after, a woman that didn't know her said that she would have gone to hell if she would have died.

This caused Kristin to search for the truth.

Watch Kristin's attempted suicide by train video to see what she found

If you liked this story, you can also watch He Thought Suicide Is The Only Way Out.

See Kristin's full story at CBN's the 700 club website.

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